
The People of One Church that Converted to Islam by A Muslim Youth

The People of One Church that Converted to Islam by A Muslim Youth

True story happened in America on Wednesday, February 22, 2006.
There is a young Muslim man from Arabic who has just finished his college in America. This young man is one who was given favor by Allah in the form of Islamic education and he was able to explore it. Besides studying, he is also an interpreter of Islamic da'wah.

When he was in America, he met with one of the Christians. Their relationship is getting closer, with the hope that Allah will give him guidance to Islam.

One day they both walked in a village in America and passed near a church in that village. His friend asked him to join the church. At first he objected, but because he continued to insist, the young man finally fulfilled his request and then entered the church and sat on one of the benches in silence, as they were used to.

When the pastor entered, they simultaneously stood up to give him reverence and then sat down again. At that time the pastor was wide-eyed when he looked at the audience and said, "In our midst there is a Muslim. I hope he gets out of here. ”The young man didn't move from his place. The pastor said those words many times, but he still did not move from his place yet. Until finally the pastor said, "I ask him to get out of here and I guarantee his safety." Only then a man started move of his place.

In the doorway he asked the pastor, "How do you know that I am a Muslim." The pastor replied, "From the mark on your face."

Then he went out, but the preacher wanted to take advantage of this young man's existence, namely by asking a few questions, his aim was to discredit the young man and at the same time to strengthen his headquarters. The Moslem man accept the debate challenge from the pastor.

The pastor said, "I will ask you 22 questions and you must answer them correctly." The young man smiled and said, "Please!"
The pastor began to ask,

1. Mention The One that has no second,

2. Two which has no three,

3. Three which has no not four,

4. Four that have no five

5. Five without six,

6. Six that have no goals,

7. Seven without eight,

8. Eight of nine

9. Nine that aren't ten,

10. Something no more than ten,

11. Eleven of the twelve,

12. Twelve which has no not thirteen,

13. Thirteen which has no not fourteen.

14. Mention something that can breathe but has no spirit!

15. What is meant by a walking grave carrying its contents?

16. Who lies but enters heaven?

17. What is something Allah created but He does not like?

18. Mention something God created without father and mother!

19. Who is created from fire, who is punished with fire, and who is preserved from fire?

20. Who is made of stone, who is punished with stone, and who is preserved from stone?

21. Name something that Allah created and is considered great!

22. What tree has 12 branches, each branch has 30 leaves, each leaf has 5 pieces, 3 under the shade and two under the sun? "

Hearing those questions the young man smiled with a smile containing confidence in God.

After reading the basmalah he said,

1. The one who is second to none is Allah .

2. Two of the three are night and day. Allah said, "And We made night and day as two signs (Our greatness) ..." (Surah Al-Isra ’[17]: 12).

3. Three which has no four are mistakes made by the Prophet Musa when the Prophet Khidir sank the canoe, killed a small child, and when reestablishing a wall that almost collapsed.

4. The four who are without limitation are the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms and the Qur'an.

5. Five without six is ​​five daily prayers.

6. The six goals are the number of days when Allah created creatures.

7. The seven without eight are the heavens with seven layers. Allah said, "Who created the seven heavens in layers. You will not see something that is not balanced in the creation of God the Most Merciful ... "(Surah Al-Mulk [57]: 3).

8. The eight which has no not nine are the bearers of Arsy ar-Rahman. Allah said, "And the angels are in various parts of the sky. On that day eight angels uphold ‘Arsy (throne) of your Lord above their (heads)” (Surah Al-Haqqah [69]: 17).

9. The non-tenth nine were miracles given to the Prophet Moses: sticks, glowing hands, hurricanes, famine, frogs, blood, fleas and grasshoppers.

10. Something no more than ten is good. Allah says, "Whoever does good is ten times as much for him ..." (Surat al-An'am [6]: 160).

11. Eleven of the twelve were the number of Joseph's brothers.

12. Twelve which has no not thirteen are miracles of the Prophet Moses contained in the word of God , "And (remember) when Moses begged water for his people, then We said," Smite the stone with your staff! "Then radiate from it twelve spring water ..... "(Al-Baqarah [2]: 60).

13. Thirteen of which is not fourteen is the number of the Prophet Joseph's brothers plus his father and mother.

14. As for something that breathes but has no spirit is the time of Fajr. Allah said, "And after dawn when the day dawns. "(Surah At-Takwir [81]: 18).

15. The grave that carries its contents is a fish that swallowed the Prophet Yunus (as).

16. Those who lie but go to heaven are Joseph's brothers, that is when they say to his father, "O our father, we actually went racing and we left Joseph near our things, then he was eaten by wolves. "After the lies were revealed, Joseph said to them," there is no contempt for you. "And their father Ya'qub said," I will beg your forgiveness from my Rabb. Truly He is the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful. "

17. Something that God created but does not like is the sound of a donkey. Allah said, "... Truly the worst of sounds is the sound of donkeys ..." (Surah Luqman [31]: 19).

18. Creatures created by God without father and mother are the Prophet Adam, angels, camels of the Prophet Salih and Abraham's goat.

19. The creature that was created from fire is Satan, who was punished with fire is Abu Jahl, and what is preserved from the fire is Prophet Ibrahim. Allah says, "We (Allah) say," O fire! Be cold, and savior for Ibrahim! "(Surat al-Anbiya '[21]: 69).

20. A creature made of stone is the camel of the Prophet Salih, who was punished with stone is a colonized army and preserved from stone is Ashabul Kahfi (The Sleepers of The Cave).

21. Something that God created and considered a great case was a woman's deception, as Allah said “," So when she (the woman's husband) saw her robe (Joseph) torn in the back, she said, Surely this is your deceit. Your guile is truly great. "(Qur'an, 12: 28).

22. As for a tree that has 12 branches, each branch has 30 leaves, each leaf has 5 pieces, 3 under shade and two under the sun, meaning: Trees are years, branches are months, leaves are days and the fruit is five prayers time, three worked at night and two at noon.

The pastor and the audience were amazed to hear the answer of the Muslim youth.

Then the young man excused himself and moved to leave. But he discouraged and asked the pastor to answer just one question. This request was approved by the pastor.

This young man asked, "WHAT IS THE KEY OF HEAVEN?"
hearing the question the tongue of the pastor became speechless, his heart covered with doubt and the color of his face changed. He tried to hide his worries, but the results were zero.

The people present at the church kept urging him to answer the question, but he tried to avoid it.
They said, "You asked 22 questions to him and all of them he answered while he only gave you one question but you were unable to answer it! "

The pastor said, "Really I know the answer to that question, but I'm afraid you're angry. "They answered," We will guarantee your safety. "


Then the pastor and those who attended the church embraced Islam.

Masha Allah

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